the beers
Our Beer Commitment
From the very beginning Archer Brewing made the commitment to use 100% Australian ingredients in every beer it was ever going to make. We can very proudly say we have stuck by that mantra and will always continue to do so. Australia has some of the greatest produce in the world and we are privileged to showcase that and represent our farmers and growers. Archer has always been about striving to use as local produce as possible, even going as far as making a seasonal beer using 100% Queensland ingredients, the Queensland Pale Ale. Our cider uses fresh apple juice from Stanthorpe and our Ginger Beer uses Queensland Ginger. This also allows us to reduce our carbon footprint by not importing ingredients from overseas.
If you drink an Archer Beer, you’re drinking and supporting Australian farmers and producers.
Some of OUR Small Batch, Seasonals or single keg beers over the years:
Gluten Reduced
Not only do we aim for local, we also add an enzyme into every single one our beers (including small batch and seasonals and one off) which reduces the gluten levels without affecting taste or aroma, making them even more easy drinking. The gluten level in our beer is tested and continues to return a ND (non-detectable) level of less than 5ppm level of gluten making them appropriate for those who are gluten intolerant too.